Clinging to a naive hope
A prayer
A belief there must be a breakthrough
A treatment
A cure
to alleviate the insanity
Upset the apple cart
But followed by instincts
and let it all out
Hearing my own voice
and conviction
feeds a strength
Navigating the path
is a messy
sometimes mildly destructive
I get up
I walk and yoga and pray
I shower and put pants on with zippers
And a blouse with a bra
And makeup - ever so lightly
It’s not much
And less than most
But it’s all I got
And hanging on
Thoughts, hopes, heart filled prayers
for those in nursing homes
and VA homes
and homes like my mom’s in
and for those literally trying to survive
Wishing with all my heart
that everyone stands strong and makes it through
and after november 8, we have real hope again
Breakfast: smoothie; Dinner: chicken, salad, cheese, crackers; Dessert: small dish of ice cream, jellybeans