Awoke in tears
Horrifying nightmares
My worst fears come true
So deep I couldn’t shake it
And semi refused to acknowledge
It’s just a dream
It’s just a dream
It’s just a dream
Too often conflicted with empath sensitivities
Paired with a head that lies to me in my own voice
Hiding in work play
Surprised by those reaching out
Heart-warmed to hear other voices
Eager to see faces on Sat morning
Even if it’s via electronics
There were videos of the good people do
Enough to make one cry
And the news
The daily dread of disbelief
All the good
Stalked by the terrible
But there is hope
And I can’t not believe
The arc of good will prevail
Breakfast: Smoothie; Lunch: Avocado toast, chips, lemon pot de creme; Dinner: leftover lasagna and salad; Dessert: chocolate chip cookies, jellybeans