Beautiful early spring day
Bluest of blue skies and warm sunshine
Smells like spring
Sweetened air
Struggling to know what to do
if anything
Still looking for a rhythm
Feel I should have one by now
But I don’t
The orange man is getting cagier
And ragier
And crazier
And yet the goodness and creativity of so many amaze me
I can’t seem to get past what it’ll be like on the other side of this
Somehow feels like we will always be defined by it
For my lifetime at least
Is this how they felt after the Spanish flu?
How I wish someone were alive who could give perspective
Breakfast: an egg with toast (something different/change it up)
Lunch: smoothie
Dinner: chicken, salad, cheese/crackers
Dessert: coconut cake and chamomile and tiny scoop of vanilla ice cream (but no jellybeans - progress)