First day I awoke in tears
Desperate for hope
A glimmer of light
Back pain
Work slows
Realizing I’m not doing so well with nothing
Creating something out of nothing
A schedule
Hard to implement what you didn’t have
And failing in making adjustments
The world whirls
More people piling up everywhere
Here we await a surge
Longing to create
To cut, paint, draw
And feeling scared and stifled
And deeply alone
Being positive and moving takes work
And effort I simply can’t find
I went to the grocery store
And loaded up with things I didn’t need
And forgot things I needed
My brain is blown
People in masks which will now be commonplace
Our world; this country is forever scarred
The result of morons voting and foreign interference which put this monster in charge
He’s killing this country
And I fear it will never ever be the same
Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: picked - peanut butter on a spoon, cup of tea
Dinner: Omelet, bagel with cream cheese, fruit/berries
Dessert: coconut cake & jelly beans