Masks, Physical Distance conversations, Bells for Healthcare, Drive by Restaurant pick ups (no more inside), Hearts on windows, Business closings, Spring creeping in slowly (very f’ing slowly), weather, beautiful bright spring light and the beginning of a plateau with a push to open up in May (though that remains to be seen). Trump is melting into madness. Daily pretend pressers that are really rallies. #StopAiringTrump as it’s like witnessing 2016 all over again. Deaths are slowing; still terrible but moving form one every 42 seconds to one every minute in NYC anyway. Other areas are starting to hit. The physical distance is helping contain things but people are not as careful now that they’re wearing masks.
covid19 - week 4 in pictures
Masks, Physical Distance conversations, Bells for Healthcare, Drive by Restaurant pick ups (no more inside), Hearts on windows, Business closings, Spring creeping in slowly (very f’ing slowly), weather, beautiful bright spring light and the beginning of a plateau with a push to open up in May (though that remains to be seen). Trump is melting into madness. Daily pretend pressers that are really rallies. #StopAiringTrump as it’s like witnessing 2016 all over again. Deaths are slowing; still terrible but moving form one every 42 seconds to one every minute in NYC anyway. Other areas are starting to hit. The physical distance is helping contain things but people are not as careful now that they’re wearing masks.