Day looked to be sunny, blue sky, warm
Day in fact was sunny, blue sky but chilly
Until you got into the sun
Then the winter coat, scarf, hat and fingerless gloves I had on were overkill
My dad told me there aren’t a lot of people in Florida with Covid19
But when you intentionally don’t test or release the number of infected people (which the governor has done) then the numbers do look low
It’s intentional deception
Whatever the preference
Scenes from NYC are dystopian
This is what it looks like under an authoritarian regime
America is #1 in the number of infected people
There is a lot of death
And fear
And yet … everyone in downtown Atlanta applauded doctor’s and nurses from their shelter in place high rises during a shift change
They did this in Seattle at 8pm
So there is a unity among those of us who know what’s happening
I took a long walk
And then another walk
I can’t walk enough
Or I watch TV
Not my best self
I think of painting … but I haven’t painted
Of public art installations that feel trite
Pictures of people with their dogs - cause the number of people with dogs is mind blowing
Today was an under the surface hard
But there were moments of laughter
a pause
and seconds seem to melt and fade
Time is bent
In an eerie curve
Breakfast: smoothie
Snack: cheese and crackers
Dinner: meatballs, leftover pasts, salad
Dessert: chocolate chip cookies; finished jellybeans