Bright; awoke with lightness and lifted myself to SRF then yoga, then a Happy Birthday facetime with good friends - faces that genuinely made my morning and started my day off in a heart filled way.
We laughed at the absurdity (and stuffed our anxiety) and genuinely gave a good cheer celebration for the mighty brave girl.
These are friends who I met at the very beginning of my photography journey, a family of three who’s lives made sense for me to document. And I have for 9 years. This year, I will document us on a facetime (why the hell didn’t I think of that this morning)
But it was the laughter that made things feel brighter.
Then it was Work. It was a long day of it (no complaints); I laughed more than a few times, cheered once and honestly need the social engagement of meetings and calls.
It was grey, very rainy and cold - as in the heat went out. And with work as it was, I never made it out to smell the air. I had hoped to take pictures today because i love a rainy day…rain washes away clutter. It’s peaceful and introspective. It takes you inside to reflect. Introverted.
But there was simply no time. My work day ended at 7:30 and I had enough time to get dinner on the stove before another call with clients to review their book of a Bat Mitzvah one year ago this May.
Clients who I’ve been with through all their children’s passages. A dear friend who also knows how to have a good laugh. And we laughed. And talked serious but it was the cheery genuine faces who reminded me of Italian singing and Israeli’s singing that simply closed the day on things.
Until I turned on the news.
I simply have no words for the reckless incompetence of a shitshow we are living through. I’l leave it at that. Time to wind down, not up.
Today the entire state of CA is to shelter in place. Word is WA is next. And in MA, the Governor brought in the National Guard.
Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: Avocado toast, berries
Dinner: Penne with tomato sauce and cheese & small salad
Dessert: Ice cream with chocolate syrup, peanuts and whipped cream