Being as I'm not a winter person, I'm fortunate that one of my most revered persons in the world happens to live in Southwest Florida. Like birds that migrate, I would head there December first and return to New England for spring. As it is, I am lucky to visit for week to ten days.
Self Portrait in Bonita Springs, Florida - 2016
As this visit seems to free my photographer's spirit, I came away with images that stirred up the inspiration I long for in the dead of winter. I returned to shadows and tried to create images I felt. I explored with different techniques with an easy pace. I'm rather pleased with the range of expressions (and a few shadow silhouettes for my portfolio). As a bonus, I was able to visit with a photographer friend this year; and tho I tend to get a bit anxious each time I meet with a fellow creative, we packed a lot of miles into our conversation despite the short visit. So here are my impressions from my time in paradise.