It was the first week of December and i still hadn't figured out what to do for a holiday card. Tho I've accepted a need to be in the month to feel that special something in the air, i am still learning to let go and trust in the process. And yet on the day i planned to take a drive along the coast with a friend (with a hope of finding an image in the back of my mind), the great muse in the sky saw fit to fill this particular day with a mystical fog and mist; two elements that inspire my art seeking soul, and I knew there was a very special picture out there for me that day. I'd actually planned to take one from the Beverly seashore with a view back to Salem and it was here that i saw this little tree perched on the fence overlooking a calm harbor with the stacks from the power plant (which three years later are dismantled) barely visible in the background. Yes, this was the picture which pleased my heart. It was the one for the card, but more than that, it's one that lingered well after the month had passed and sparked an interest in finding little trees each year.
Little Tree & Salem Power Plant taken from Beverly, MA | 2012
As we were in Florida early to mid December the following year, I saw these three little trees nestled among the palms. Though a little too busy for a card, and not as "little" a tree as I'd hoped for, it was the image for the year for by the time we returned and acclimated, the spirit of the season had somewhat transitioned into the new year vibe.
Three trees at the Edison House Fort Meyers, FL | 2013
Last year's image surfaced in the most unremarkable location by day; by night, its presence was sweetly magical.
Spiraling Tree with Star, Salem, MA | 2014
This year, I saw one that like last years, had the right vibe at night. While it worked for the card, I'm still in an inspired search. And in that, I thought of seeing what i could do with staging my own little tree.
Little tree & Spotlight, Marblehead, MA | 2015
So I selected a sweet little fir in a red stand and gave it a try. It provided an afternoon of enjoyment, sparked inquiry from a child on the beach and others walking on the trail and may offer a few more afternoons of interest. But I can't deny a sense of feeling like i'm cheating ... or perhaps that this is a side series. For part of the allure of the Little Tree is the discovery .... it is the experience of a process, the time and persistence, and in that (for me) is the gift.
Little (Staged) Tree at Winter Island, Salem MA | 2015